Catálogos: Useless: Machines for Dreaming, Thinking, and Seeing

Archivo | Artes visuales | 25 de abril de 2020

Organizada por Gerardo Mosquera en el Bronx Museum en 2019, aquí los dejo con el catálogo a la exposición Useless: Machines for Dreaming, Thinking, and Seeing: «Because machines are generally associated with the fulfillment of a practical duty, the functional independence of art is particularly highlighted when artists create or represent machines. We find ultimate examples of useless art machines in works like Wim Delvoye’s pursuit of technologically sophisticated devices for the production of excrement, and the circularity of Roxy Paine’s machines that create sculptures and paintings, which are doubly useless — for being artworks and producing more art.» Disfruten perversillos 😉 (Agradecimientos a FG.)